Can I print in the library?


Yes!  All PC students have unlimited, free printing in the library.

  • Printers are available in the Reference area on the main level, in the 24-Hour Study Lounge, and in room 39, the Instruction Classroom/Computer Lab, on the lower level.
  • To print in the library, you must use a library computer; you can not print from a personal laptop.  Save your document on a flash drive or email it to yourself and access it via a library computer. 
  • Once you are ready to print, you will be prompted to enter your username and password [same as Brightspace].  If your credentials are not working, send an email to the IT help desk at to have your password reset.
  • We offer ONLY black and white printing.  For color printing, visit Media Services, located on the lower level of the library.
  • Last Updated Apr 14, 2021
  • Views 43
  • Answered By Betsy Byrd

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